Thursday, April 24, 2008

Meet the Browns

Meet the Browns was an incredible movie. It was incredible because Tyler Perry did not use the traditional settings based around his play alone this time. He added some things that were not in his play.

The things he added made the movie more realistic then ever before. He used traditional scenes that were very common in the setting of an African American family. The first thing that was very common was the absecnce of a father (dead beat black male) unfortunatley, that one was extremely typical of most African American homes. The next one was a family under one roof during the passing of a loved one and the last one that I identified with was when a family prepares dinner together in a nice sized kitchen with plenty of discussion.

If I were a judge on the panel for best movie of the year with Black Entertainment Television, I would have to choose Meet the Browns because of the content used. That movie was anything but complacent and that is because the writer and the director was anything but complacent. Tyler keeps getting better and better with time.

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