Thursday, April 24, 2008

Is art helping to forward the campaign of Barak Obama?

I have been asked to comment on whether or not art has had any significant affect on our next President of the United States' presidential campaign. Based on recent experiences of my own dealing with art and the message art sends, I must say yes, but to a cetain extent. The reason I say to a certain extent is because the video that was released not long ago "Will I am- Yes we can" was very powerful, it was so powerful in fact Obama's rival, Presidential hopeful Hilary Clinton has used this video and his saying "Yes we can" against him in her highly publicized candidacy addresses. Senator Hilary Clinton has attacked Obama by saying he does not have enough experience and has even come out with her own slogan " Yes we will." The video "Will I am- Yes we can" is a form of art and anytime someone makes a tear jerker like that, that says alot about someones character and integrity level, including their personal morality stance. A video is a form of art becuase of the messages they convey to their intended targets.

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