Thursday, April 24, 2008

Historical Hammonds House Tour

Above photos: Top left: Joann & Erica discuss the test and Jacob Lawerence
Top right photo: left to right: Fonda(steps), Ty'anna, Glenn, Leon (hidden), Pearline, Camesha, Lisa, and Felecia all discuss directions to the next art program of the evening and directions so that know one gets lost AGAIN!

I had a relaxing day. I at first was a little annoyed about the way the Hammonds House Museum looked, but then after it was explained to me by Professor Lisa that if they updated the museum too much, than the original touch of things would be gone, So they only modernized things to a certain degree, I became comfortable enough to unwind and see the beauty of history in the form of famous African American paintings. The test we took was very inquizetive, although I don't know which was the most inquizitive, the one at High Museum or Hammonds House. I still had fun. My favorite painting was one by Jacob Lawrence, this painting was one of good ol Harriett Tubman pulling Black men to freedom from a rock. That was the highlight of my day! In high school they always want you to study wars and time lines but they never teach you anything about who you really are and where you came from. I learned one thing from this particuler field trip, It is up to you to learn who you are and where you came from so that you don't repeat the past!

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