Saturday, April 26, 2008


The Harlem Renaissance emerged amid social and intellecual upheavel in the African American community in the early 20th century. Black Americans migrated north to take advantage of employment opportunties created by World War I. As more an more educated and socially conscious blacks settled in New York' s Harlem neighborhoods, it developed into the political and cultural center of black America. African American literature and arts had begun a steady development ing performing arts and black musical theater. Jazz and blues from the South began filling bars and cabarets of Harlem. Writer began to tell the stories of racial identity.
The National Urban League founded in 1910 to help blacks address the economc and social problems they encountered as they resettled in the North recognized the new talent and introduced new young writers. A strong sense of racial pride and desire for social and political equality emerged. African American musicians and other performers played to mixed audiences seeking the night life. The literature appealed to middle class blacks and to the white book buying public. Artists adopted 'primitive' and African images in paintings and illustrations. The Harlem Renaissance changed forever the dynamics of African American arts and literature and proof that the white race did not hold a monopoly on literature and culture.

Friday, April 25, 2008

The Arian Nation

Now normally I would follow strict guidelines regarding instructions provided by any professor, but I ran across some information that would make anybody that does not have high blood pressure develop it after reading this. I have information that tells more of the truth than any book will ever give. Watch, listen, and learn!
The Ku Klux Klan has a website out that allows you to enroll in the organization of the KKK itself. I was very tempted to go undercover via the internet just to see what I could find out about them. You do not have to guess that I did click the over 18 button and was immediately redirected to a site with inside information on it. You can get information on how to kill a black person as well as secret meetings. You can also see a special video loaded on their version of You Tube, the video actually shows them rallying around a black man, after they have shot, and blantly and bluntly killed the poor guy in broad day light. I was so livid that after the first clip of the beginning of the video I hit the close button on the internet. The KKK also has a website telling you who started the KKK and its background or history of the KKK. They also have a disclaimer. A slight breifing of the disclaimer will be shown at the end of this presentation.
The main reason for the establishment was to terrorize anyone who was not caucasian. If you are of African American descent, or any other race not of caucasian, you are here by deemed a N*gger because of the color of your skin. The Confederate Civil War Veterans Captain John C. Lester, Major James R. Rowe, John D. Kennedy, Calvin Jones, Richard R. Reed, and Frank O. McCord were the Starting Founders of the KKK. The year the KKK was founded was in 1866. There has never been a National Headquarters really established and that is because all small chapters are linked. However; if you want to write to the international headquarters, you must send an addressed letter to: Imperial Klans of America P.O Box 177 Dawson Springs, Kentucky 42408. USA. There is even a 24 hour Hotline that you can use to speak to a live operator (270) 422-4763 as well as a website to email them at: What a disgrace!
Since the inception, the KKK has been deemed the first real true terrorist organization group which first started with the Civil War. The Klan has a history of rise and fall. Once the Klan rose again, they came back heavier than ever with much more deadlier force, mainly against African Americans, along with several phases of Criminal activity and other forms of organized crimes. They are even known to be Tax skippers, meaning they do not pay their personal taxes on things such as property taxes and other forms of taxations that many normal americans pay every day, year, and tax season. Some how this pertinent information manages to slip the view of the IRS and has a history of being this way since the birth of the KKKs.
In addition to the informative things I just told you about the early 2000s proved to be the worst time for the imperial Klans all over america. Many communities in the United States began to experince a significant influx of Immigrants, especially hispanics, for the first time in U.S. history. A single issue movement opposing immigration has helped create fear and anxiety about immigration in the minds of many americans. Many Ku Klux Klan groups have attempted to take advantage of that fear and uncertainty, using anti-immigration sentiments for recruitment and propaganda purposes, and to attract publicly.
The Klu Klux Klan Disclaimer
The Ku Klux Klan is a US Supreme Court recognized and protected Christian Organization in multiple Supreme Court decisions and has received a Charter from US Congress. We are against terrorists, the immoral and oppose all criminal behavior and activity. The Klan promotes, upholds and protects all the laws in whatever state you live in. If we disagree with a new law, then we use our resources to lobby within the system using the powers of Initiative, Referendum, Recall, and Impeachment.
Do you think that President Bush is a racists? And do you think he secretly upholds the Klan in anything they do? (Class discussion)

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Meet the Browns

Meet the Browns was an incredible movie. It was incredible because Tyler Perry did not use the traditional settings based around his play alone this time. He added some things that were not in his play.

The things he added made the movie more realistic then ever before. He used traditional scenes that were very common in the setting of an African American family. The first thing that was very common was the absecnce of a father (dead beat black male) unfortunatley, that one was extremely typical of most African American homes. The next one was a family under one roof during the passing of a loved one and the last one that I identified with was when a family prepares dinner together in a nice sized kitchen with plenty of discussion.

If I were a judge on the panel for best movie of the year with Black Entertainment Television, I would have to choose Meet the Browns because of the content used. That movie was anything but complacent and that is because the writer and the director was anything but complacent. Tyler keeps getting better and better with time.

Bad Bad Leroy Brown meaner than a junk yard doggg!

I have seen some great paintings, but what I saw in some places compared to the work of lecturer Campbell, ain't got nothing on Campbells work.

I had a wonderful time at his house too. I enjoyed his lecture, except for a few choice words he used. He is brilliantly smart and his work is amazingly mad crazy drop dead geougeious as well as his personality. I pray that his career reaches even higher heights. Talk about artist, Take the letter A out of artist for his position and call him something else! This guy is beyond artist!
I was just kidding when I called him Leroy Brown, Although he reminds you of Madea: Meet the Browns Play and Movie!

Photo top right: The class lecture lasted for about 95 years,
syick, I'm just playing! Lecturer brown
was a bag of chips and cookies. The brotha
is brilliant to the point where it is sick. His
work speaks for itself, he needs no intro.

Secrets of Black Women! Why?

Many people may have already asked this question of why secrets of black women is such a big deal, well I can say that I know why it is so important.

Secrets of Black Women is important because black women in particuler deal with an awful lot on a daily basis. The things we have to deal with can range from Suicidal thoughts, Loved ones hurts and pains, Loosing friends, and the greatest of all our own grief and pain. Majority of the time we don't release things to anyone for fear of judgement by our peers, supposed to be friends, and supposed to be family memebers. We constantly take on and hold the many burdens of others. We hold our own along with our pride and keep on keepin on. We cant release to the people who are supposed to be there for us and be assured that they aren't judging us so we keep on keepin on.

It is important for a black woman, the back bone of society, to have an outlet for some of the most painful things that plague her heart in secret. That is why I have challenged my own self to let go of a secret each year. At the next art party, I will let go of more secrets than anybody I know.

Historical Hammonds House Tour

Above photos: Top left: Joann & Erica discuss the test and Jacob Lawerence
Top right photo: left to right: Fonda(steps), Ty'anna, Glenn, Leon (hidden), Pearline, Camesha, Lisa, and Felecia all discuss directions to the next art program of the evening and directions so that know one gets lost AGAIN!

I had a relaxing day. I at first was a little annoyed about the way the Hammonds House Museum looked, but then after it was explained to me by Professor Lisa that if they updated the museum too much, than the original touch of things would be gone, So they only modernized things to a certain degree, I became comfortable enough to unwind and see the beauty of history in the form of famous African American paintings. The test we took was very inquizetive, although I don't know which was the most inquizitive, the one at High Museum or Hammonds House. I still had fun. My favorite painting was one by Jacob Lawrence, this painting was one of good ol Harriett Tubman pulling Black men to freedom from a rock. That was the highlight of my day! In high school they always want you to study wars and time lines but they never teach you anything about who you really are and where you came from. I learned one thing from this particuler field trip, It is up to you to learn who you are and where you came from so that you don't repeat the past!

The Lion King!

I had a magical time at my first play ever. I was living it up, I felt like a big kid going oooo, look at that! I had fun. Shon who I consider a friend of mines but more so a big sister to keep me in line laughed at me just a little. When the first half of the played stopped for a rest break, I asked shon "why was everybody leaving, thats all? well, at least I got to see a play." Shon did not hear the comments made by me or she would have laughed some more. She asked me "Nedrea, you've never been to a play before?" I told her no. Shortly there after the lights dimmed again and the show restarted. I was totally amazed. My favorite part was when The fortune teller was acting silly and had everyone laughing. I also liked the part where the Bird, I forget his name, said "This looks like a cheap shower curtain from Target," I cracked up! The only thing I did not like was those tight seats. You couldn't even stretch. Although my legs hurt after leaving those tight seats I had lots of fun and hope I get to do something like that again real soon because I love to go out and dress up!

Nigger, Nigga, N* word: My personal stance

It has often been said that N*gger came from our past as slaves. Unfortunately, it is true. The N* word is very controversial and only because of where it came from. It is crazy for us to use this word lightly but, we do. As a young person going into my very last year of being a youth, the age of 26, I feel that it is very important for me to have a better moral stance on this issue than the generation behind me, I am only saying this, not just because it is right, but also because I must lead by example. Let me explain the street terminology for my generations 1 to 2 decades ahead of me because they hate the word worse than me, this is only due to the times we are in. The first N, NigGA means whats up and the other N, NiggER means I don't like you because you are black you possum or coon! The term ending with GA is cool for a black person to use but someone outside of the race of African American had better not say it and the Term ER will get your clock cleaned all the way off, meaning you might get shot at if you are not African American and you use the term ending ER. My personal opinion, after having a slight run in with this same issue at the tender age of 12 is, I do not like the word. I don't like it because it is degrading. To show you how degrading it is. I was watching my favorite show "All of Us" and the little boy Bobby yells out "Goldfish Niggga" The boy he was playing with was white. His mother chastised him for this, but at the end of the show, Mrs. LisaRaye McCoy-Misick and Mr. Duane Martin aired a special segment about the word and then flashed rapper Jay-z's album along with others celebrities who used the word to advertise themselves. Nigga what, Nigga who... Jay-z.
Question? Would you like to be called a Nigga?

Secrets of Black Women Art Party: Kim Isreal

My experience at Kim Isreal's Studio was terrificly wonderful. I never knew that I even liked art. I enjoyed decorating other peoples secrets. Some of the secrets that I ran across were extremely mind blowing. You never know what someone is dealing with. I think that evryone did a great job! None of the decorated Post cards had traditional decor, everybody thought outside of the box, actually there was no box to think outside of and that is how we were able to create so well what we imagined a post card to look like. I believed that I let go of some stuff. The secret I released my own,was the one that my play dad Leon Abrams decorated. It can be located at the very top right hand corner, where Fonda is standing and it's Green. Thank you Kim Isreal for your input on the work we did as well as your warm hearted southern hospitality. You are the first person ever in my life to invite me to your home and make me feel so welcomed enough to relax and enjoy myself without being so nervious. You are really truely one in a million for the actions you did that day. That was a real act of kindness. God Bless you for your warmth! Love ya Much!

Is art helping to forward the campaign of Barak Obama?

I have been asked to comment on whether or not art has had any significant affect on our next President of the United States' presidential campaign. Based on recent experiences of my own dealing with art and the message art sends, I must say yes, but to a cetain extent. The reason I say to a certain extent is because the video that was released not long ago "Will I am- Yes we can" was very powerful, it was so powerful in fact Obama's rival, Presidential hopeful Hilary Clinton has used this video and his saying "Yes we can" against him in her highly publicized candidacy addresses. Senator Hilary Clinton has attacked Obama by saying he does not have enough experience and has even come out with her own slogan " Yes we will." The video "Will I am- Yes we can" is a form of art and anytime someone makes a tear jerker like that, that says alot about someones character and integrity level, including their personal morality stance. A video is a form of art becuase of the messages they convey to their intended targets.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Atlanta's Tornado destruction

The reason why the blog was named "In the Midst of it all" is because when the storms of life come through and hit you with heart felt things, they can even become big black holes with garbage packed in them, or they can become big holes made of beautiful blooming flower pots with a life of joy and rejoicing.